* [ ] post follows Content Guidelines
* [ ] post follows Style Guide
* [ ] title is in Title Case
* [ ] publication date is ok
* [ ] alternative text of images is informative
* [ ] author metadata is provided with correct folder name
* [ ] html not included in pull request of Rmd post
* [ ] I ran `roblog::ro_lint_md()` on index.md
* [ ] I ran `roblog::ro_check_urls()` on index.md
* [ ] I ran a spell-check on index.md
* [ ] YAML subject tags are ok ("tech notes" for tech notes; "community" for non-staff non-editor)
* [ ] YAML field 'editor' is filled with your name
* [ ] YAML field 'preface' is present if necessary
* [ ] YAML field 'params.doi' is filled with a new DOI
14 Editor checklist - Other posts
Use of this template is described in Review a Post.
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